Spil Wolfenstein 3D online

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Da det nu er 20 år siden at shoot-em-up spillene kom på banen, nemlig med det første Wolfenstein 3D, så bliver det fejret med en fri udgave med alle banerne af det legendariske Wolfenstein 3D, som startede det hele! Prøv selv at spille alle banerne igennem som i de gode gamle dage. Spil gratis online og pløk nogle nazister på en meget pixeleret firkantet-blod agtig måde 🙂

“Halt!” Spil Wolfenstein 3D old-school style nu. (læs hvordan du styrer i bunden)

Notespark – sync and share your notes

Update Juni 2014: Brug i stedet programmer som Evernote, som er langt bedre da Notespark er lukket ned.

Notespark – sync and share your notes

notesparkNu har jeg rodet en del med Noter i nogle år. Jeg har mine MobileMe noter som er okay men Notespark er super smart! Del dine noter med alle andre der også bruger Notespark. Du kan se mere og teste Notespark gratis på www.notespark.com (desværre lukkede de i midt 2014) eller til iPad/iPhone/iTouch via iTunes.


Notespark is an iOS app and a web app that were built from the ground up to be the best way to sync and share notes on your iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.

Sync Perfected
Notespark syncs with a web app, not a desktop app, so that you don’t need to remember to sync before leaving the house. Everything happens automatically. As you switch back and forth between the web and your device, the same notes will always be available no matter where you are.

If you use more than one device, like an iPad and an iPhone, your notes will still stay perfectly in sync via your Notespark web account. If you edit the same note in multiple places, Notespark will merge the changes automatically. If it can’t, it’ll let you choose how to resolve any conflict without losing any information. Because Notespark is a universal app, you’ll just pay once. With no ads or subscription fees.

Live Sharing
When you share a note through Notespark, everyone sees the same text, and anyone can update it (if you let them). If two people make changes to the same note at the same time, Notespark’s fast and robust synchronization engine can merge the changes as easily as it handles changes made on multiple devices.

Share notes with a spouse, friend or coworker to keep track of things together (grocery lists, favorite restaurants, project notes). You can even share with people who don’t have iPhones by having them use the web version of Notespark. When someone makes a change to a shared note, you are notified immediately through push notifications.

Better features, not more features
We’re not fans of applications that try to do everything under the sun. We’ve always tried to focus on the most important things and on doing them as well as possible.

That’s why we wrote our own synchronization server. It was the only way we could make sync feel “right”. And if you look around, you’ll notice the same obsession with getting it “right” in every feature.


– Fast, robust, secure syncing with Notespark.com via https
– View and edit your notes from any browser on the Notespark website
– Sync one set of notes flawlessly between multiple devices (e.g., iPhone and iPad)
– No ads or subscription fees
– Easy import of memos from Palm Desktop (mac/win), Outlook, and Toodledo
– Organize notes by tagging and starring
– Clickable links for URLs, phone numbers, and addresses
– Find notes by full text search
– Adjustable text size
– Choose yellow or white background
– Sort notes by date or by title
– Share notes with other Notespark users, and optionally allow them to edit
– Receive push notifications for shared notes and starred notes
– Friendly interface for resolving editing conflicts
– Send notes via email directly within Notespark
– Landscape mode support
– Supports TextExpander touch snippet expansion



Din egen Music-on-Demand service!

Har du også problemer med at finde din egen Musik-on-Demand service? Jeg har prøvet at grave en masse musik streaming services frem for at lave en liste. Jeg har pt. ingen favoritter men håber på at høre lidt om din erfaring i kommentarerne til dette indlæg.

Nyd din musik på din måde… Hvis blot iTunes havde været en online streaming service hvor iTunes kørte i din browser som en webapp… med offline funktioner – Would’nt that be great!

Test nogle af disse services og lad mig høre hvad din favorit er – så skal jeg komme med min konklusion.
Mangler der nogle gode musik-streaming-websites så del dem gerne i kommentarerne tak 🙂

Hermed i tilfældig rækkefølge:

amie street
last.fm logo
grooveshark logo

Download app’en før de virker

Umiddelbart skal man downloade et stykke software før disse virker. De er heller ikke så nemme at få til at virke som de andre på listen:


Udenlandske radio-streaming-services

Disse udenlandske services virker desværre ikke i Danmark endnu – men måske det kommer?!:
spotifypandora logo

Designer udstyr til din bolig!

Der er utallige boligbutikker på gader og stræder – især i københavn. Der er dog et til tider et billigere alternativ hvis man shopper online! Jeg har i tidens løb gemt links til de sider som jeg synes har haft interessante online shops. Har du nogle tilføjelser så smid en kommentar i Comments. Her er listen over nogle stykker af dem: